Código fuente para mlconjug.mlconjug

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

MLConjug Main module.

| This module declares the main classes the user interacts with.

| The module defines the classes needed to interface with Machine Learning models.


from .PyVerbiste import Verbiste, VerbInfo, Verb, VerbEn, VerbEs, VerbFr, VerbIt, VerbPt, VerbRo, ConjugManager

from .__init__ import Pipeline, SelectFromModel, CountVectorizer, LinearSVC, SGDClassifier

import random
from collections import defaultdict
import pickle
import pkg_resources
import re
from zipfile import ZipFile
from functools import partial


_LANGUAGE_FULL = {'fr': 'Français',
                  'en': 'English',
                  'es': 'Español',
                  'it': 'Italiano',
                  'pt': 'Português',
                  'ro': 'Română',

_VERBS = {'fr': VerbFr,
          'en': VerbEn,
          'es': VerbEs,
          'it': VerbIt,
          'pt': VerbPt,
          'ro': VerbRo,

    'fr': '/'.join(('data', 'models', 'trained_model-fr-final.zip')),
    'it': '/'.join(('data', 'models', 'trained_model-it-final.zip')),
    'es': '/'.join(('data', 'models', 'trained_model-es-final.zip')),
    'en': '/'.join(('data', 'models', 'trained_model-en-final.zip')),
    'pt': '/'.join(('data', 'models', 'trained_model-pt-final.zip')),
    'ro': '/'.join(('data', 'models', 'trained_model-ro-final.zip')),

_ALPHABET = {'fr': {'vowels': 'aáàâeêéèiîïoôöœuûùy',
                    'consonants': 'bcçdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'},
             'en': {'vowels': 'aeiouy',
                    'consonants': 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'},
             'es': {'vowels': 'aáeiíoóuúy',
                    'consonants': 'bcdfghjklmnñpqrstvwxyz'},
             'it': {'vowels': 'aàeéèiìîoóòuùy',
                    'consonants': 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'},
             'pt': {'vowels': 'aàãááeêéiíoóõuúy',
                    'consonants': 'bcçdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'},
             'ro': {'vowels': 'aăâeiîouy',
                    'consonants': 'bcdfghjklmnpqrsșştțţvwxyz'},

[documentos]def extract_verb_features(verb, lang, ngram_range): """ | Custom Vectorizer optimized for extracting verbs features. | The Vectorizer subclasses sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer . | As in Indo-European languages verbs are inflected by adding a morphological suffix, the vectorizer extracts verb endings and produces a vector representation of the verb with binary features. | To enhance the results of the feature extration, several other features have been included: | The features are the verb's ending n-grams, starting n-grams, length of the verb, number of vowels, number of consonants and the ratio of vowels over consonants. :param verb: string. Verb to vectorize. :param lang: string. Language to analyze. :param ngram_range: tuple. The range of the ngram sliding window. :return: list. List of the most salient features of the verb for the task of finding it's conjugation's class. """ _white_spaces = re.compile(r"\s\s+") verb = _white_spaces.sub(" ", verb) verb = verb.lower() verb_len = len(verb) length_feature = 'LEN={0}'.format(str(verb_len)) min_n, max_n = ngram_range final_ngrams = ['END={0}'.format(verb[-n:]) for n in range(min_n, min(max_n + 1, verb_len + 1))] initial_ngrams = ['START={0}'.format(verb[:n]) for n in range(min_n, min(max_n + 1, verb_len + 1))] if lang not in _ALPHABET: lang = 'en' # We chose 'en' as the default alphabet because english is more standard, without accents or diactrics. vowels = sum(verb.count(c) for c in _ALPHABET[lang]['vowels']) vowels_number = 'VOW_NUM={0}'.format(vowels) consonants = sum(verb.count(c) for c in _ALPHABET[lang]['consonants']) consonants_number = 'CONS_NUM={0}'.format(consonants) if consonants == 0: vow_cons_ratio = 'V/C=N/A' else: vow_cons_ratio = 'V/C={0}'.format(round(vowels / consonants, 2)) final_ngrams.extend(initial_ngrams) final_ngrams.extend((length_feature, vowels_number, consonants_number, vow_cons_ratio)) return final_ngrams
[documentos]class Conjugator: """ | This is the main class of the project. | The class manages the Verbiste data set and provides an interface with the scikit-learn pipeline. | If no parameters are provided, the default language is set to french and the pre-trained french conjugation pipeline is used. | The class defines the method conjugate(verb, language) which is the main method of the module. :param language: string. Language of the conjugator. The default language is 'fr' for french. :param model: mlconjug.Model or scikit-learn Pipeline or Classifier implementing the fit() and predict() methods. A user provided pipeline if the user has trained his own pipeline. """ def __init__(self, language='fr', model=None): self.language = language self.conjug_manager = ConjugManager(language=language) if not model: with ZipFile(pkg_resources.resource_stream( _RESOURCE_PACKAGE, _PRE_TRAINED_MODEL_PATH[language])) as content: with content.open('trained_model-{0}-final.pickle'.format(self.language), 'r') as archive: model = pickle.loads(archive.read()) if model: self.set_model(model) else: self.model = model return def __repr__(self): return '{0}.{1}(language={2})'.format(__name__, self.__class__.__name__, self.language)
[documentos] def conjugate(self, verb, subject='abbrev'): """ | This is the main method of this class. | It first checks to see if the verb is in Verbiste. | If it is not, and a pre-trained scikit-learn pipeline has been supplied, the method then calls the pipeline to predict the conjugation class of the provided verb. | Returns a Verb object or None. :param verb: string. Verb to conjugate. :param subject: string. Toggles abbreviated or full pronouns. The default value is 'abbrev'. Select 'pronoun' for full pronouns. :return: Verb object or None. """ verb = verb.lower() prediction_score = 0 if not self.conjug_manager.is_valid_verb(verb): raise ValueError( _('The supplied word: {0} is not a valid verb in {1}.').format(verb, _LANGUAGE_FULL[self.language])) if verb not in self.conjug_manager.verbs.keys(): if self.model is None: return None prediction = self.model.predict([verb])[0] prediction_score = self.model.pipeline.predict_proba([verb])[0][prediction] predicted = True template = self.conjug_manager.templates[prediction] index = - len(template[template.index(":") + 1:]) root = verb[:index] verb_info = VerbInfo(verb, root, template) conjug_info = self.conjug_manager.get_conjug_info(verb_info.template) else: predicted = False infinitive = verb verb_info = self.conjug_manager.get_verb_info(infinitive) if verb_info is None: return None conjug_info = self.conjug_manager.get_conjug_info(verb_info.template) if conjug_info is None: return None if predicted: verb_object = _VERBS[self.language](verb_info, conjug_info, subject, predicted) verb_object.predicted = predicted verb_object.confidence_score = round(prediction_score, 3) else: verb_object = _VERBS[self.language](verb_info, conjug_info, subject) return verb_object
[documentos] def set_model(self, model): """ Assigns the provided pre-trained scikit-learn pipeline to be able to conjugate unknown verbs. :param model: scikit-learn Classifier or Pipeline. """ if not isinstance(model, Model): print(_('Please provide an instance of a mlconjug.mlconjug.Model')) raise ValueError else: self.model = model return
[documentos]class DataSet: """ | This class holds and manages the data set. | Defines helper methodss for managing Machine Learning tasks like constructing a training and testing set. :param verbs_dict: A dictionary of verbs and their corresponding conjugation class. """ def __init__(self, verbs_dict): self.verbs_dict = verbs_dict self.verbs = self.verbs_dict.keys() self.templates = sorted(set([verb['template'] for verb in self.verbs_dict.values()])) self.verbs_list = [] self.templates_list = [] self.dict_conjug = {} self.train_input = [] self.train_labels = [] self.test_input = [] self.test_labels = [] self.construct_dict_conjug() return def __repr__(self): return '{0}.{1}()'.format(__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
[documentos] def construct_dict_conjug(self): """ | Populates the dictionary containing the conjugation templates. | Populates the lists containing the verbs and their templates. """ conjug = defaultdict(list) verb_items = list(self.verbs_dict.items()) random.shuffle(verb_items) for verb, info_verb in verb_items: self.verbs_list.append(verb) self.templates_list.append(self.templates.index(info_verb["template"])) conjug[info_verb["template"]].append(verb) self.dict_conjug = conjug return
[documentos] def split_data(self, threshold=8, proportion=0.5): """ Splits the data into a training and a testing set. :param threshold: int. Minimum size of conjugation class to be split. :param proportion: float. Proportion of samples in the training set. Must be between 0 and 1. """ if proportion <= 0 or proportion > 1: raise ValueError(_('The split proportion must be between 0 and 1.')) self.min_threshold = threshold self.split_proportion = proportion train_set = [] test_set = [] for template, lverbs in self.dict_conjug.items(): if len(lverbs) <= threshold: for verbe in lverbs: train_set.append((verbe, template)) else: index = round(len(lverbs) * proportion) for verbe in lverbs[:index]: train_set.append((verbe, template)) for verbe in lverbs[index:]: test_set.append((verbe, template)) random.shuffle(train_set) random.shuffle(test_set) self.train_input = [elmt[0] for elmt in train_set] self.train_labels = [self.templates.index(elmt[1]) for elmt in train_set] self.test_input = [elmt[0] for elmt in test_set] self.test_labels = [self.templates.index(elmt[1]) for elmt in test_set] return
[documentos]class Model(object): """ | This class manages the scikit-learn pipeline. | The Pipeline includes a feature vectorizer, a feature selector and a classifier. | If any of the vectorizer, feature selector or classifier is not supplied at instance declaration, the __init__ method will provide good default values that get more than 92% prediction accuracy. :param vectorizer: scikit-learn Vectorizer. :param feature_selector: scikit-learn Classifier with a fit_transform() method :param classifier: scikit-learn Classifier with a predict() method :param language: language of the corpus of verbs to be analyzed. """ def __init__(self, vectorizer=None, feature_selector=None, classifier=None, language=None): if not vectorizer: vectorizer = CountVectorizer(analyzer=partial(extract_verb_features, lang=language, ngram_range=(2, 7)), binary=True) if not feature_selector: feature_selector = SelectFromModel(LinearSVC(penalty='l1', max_iter=12000, dual=False, verbose=2)) if not classifier: classifier = SGDClassifier(loss='log', penalty='elasticnet', l1_ratio=0.15, max_iter=4000, alpha=1e-5, random_state=42, verbose=2) self.pipeline = Pipeline([('vectorizer', vectorizer), ('feature_selector', feature_selector), ('classifier', classifier)]) self.language = language return def __repr__(self): return '{0}.{1}({2}, {3}, {4})'.format(__name__, self.__class__.__name__, *sorted(self.pipeline.named_steps))
[documentos] def train(self, samples, labels): """ Trains the pipeline on the supplied samples and labels. :param samples: list. List of verbs. :param labels: list. List of verb templates. """ self.pipeline = self.pipeline.fit(samples, labels) return
[documentos] def predict(self, verbs): """ Predicts the conjugation class of the provided list of verbs. :param verbs: list. List of verbs. :return: list. List of predicted conjugation groups. """ prediction = self.pipeline.predict(verbs) return prediction
if __name__ == "__main__": pass